Nora at Coeur d'Alene Beach in the Fall

I can’t decide if this was the third or fourth time i’ve had the chance to photograph Nora, but each and every time has been a blessing. The things i’m seeing now as she has gotten older (almost 11!) is the women peeking out from inside. She has a mix of playful girl and spunky teenager in her and it’s a lot of fun to see both. Here are some photos from our recent shoot together, showing off a little of both sides.

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Misty Morning Family Shoot with the Raymond-Becker Family

I worked with Shannon for months trying to get the details surrounding this shoot ironed out. Things were always changing, but in the end, on a misty (and at one point, very very rainy) morning, I was able to be there when the Raymond-Becker family was reunited again. The emotions were high, joy was clear, and it was such a fun family shoot to be a part of. I truly enjoyed meeting them, even for the small period of time I had the chance to speak with them. I’m excited to share some of my favorites from our shoot.

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Jonah and Liz's Fall Backyard Wedding

So Jonah and Liz hold a special place in my heart, because not only did I get to do their engagement photos, but I also had the chance to spend a bunch of days on the Salmon River with them and my family. It was an experience I will never forget, and something I will revisit again and again. So taking those experiences, fighting through rapids, jumping (or falling) off the boat, eating on the beach, and sleeping in the white sands with these two amazing people, and then being able to be there at their wedding was something I absolutely loved. They are kind, thoughtful, and so quick to smile - at a wedding or covered in dirt on the side of a river. Here are some of my favorites from their fall wedding.

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The Adrain Family's Coeur d'Alene Lake Family Photos

If i’m counting right (and i’m probably not) I think this is the fourth time i’ve had a chance to capture the Adrian Family. First when it was just Corey and Katie, but as their family grew, they have continued to ask me to do one of the most important things someone could do - record their family growing up. It’s amazing to me, how each time I get to see this family, how much bigger and joyful the kids are, how great it is to see Corey and Katie, and just visit with them. It’s truly a highlight of my job and this shoot was no different. The Adrian family is no doubt an incredible one - you only need to spend a little bit of time with them to know that - and being able to share some of my favorites from their recent family photo session is a privilege that will never get old.

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Ben and Madison's North Idaho Engagement

Like so many couple these days they met online. On Hinge, to be exact. From what I've learned, Hinge is like a Tinder but for people who actually want a real relationship. And in Ben and Madison's case, that was absolutely true. Both of them coming out of COVID looking for something different. They would end up "meeting" online and chatting for about 3 weeks before finally getting to meet (although both of them had another date lined up the next day). Madison told me that Ben stood out even more because of how horrible the date the next day went.

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Seattle Elopement: Matt & Kendal's Gold Creek Pond Elopement

A couple years ago I had the chance to meet Matt and Kendal at another wedding I was photographing (Shout out to Rob and Cheyene!). Kendal was a bridesmaid in that wedding, so I had the chance to get to know her better than Matt (she even held the umbrella for us, as that day was a very rainy one - not unlike this day). So when she contacted me late this year because her and Matt were looking to Elope, I was so excited to say that I had their date open. Being able to meet up with them in the mountains, get some incredible photos of two beautiful people is something I absolutely love doing.

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