Spokane Wedding Photographers
Spokane Wedding Photographers are people who love to take amazing images, and Looyenga Photography is one of them.

Photos aren’t something you use and are done with. They aren’t flowers that die - or food that get’s eaten. They are the one thing you take with you. From the biggest day of your life to the smallest, they capture those memories to be shared forever; with your kids and theirs.
Photos capture love and joy, they capture the emotion of a moment. And I don’t want you to miss any of it.
Wedding Photography in Coeur d’Alene and Spokane, ID
Spokane Wedding Photographers are people who love to take amazing images, and Looyenga Photography is one of them.
We love taking amazing images, and as Coeur d’Alene Wedding Photographers, we strive to make that happen every wedding day.
Spokane Wedding Photographer Brent Looyenga is the lead photographer at Looyenga Photography.
Wedding photographers in Coeur d’Alene are a dime a dozen, but Looyenga Photography is a studio that strives to be the best each and every time.
Spokane photographers are everywhere, but we love taking photos, capturing moments and creating incredible images, each and every time.
Wedding photographers in the cda area are hit and miss, but Brent Looyenga at Looyenga Photography loves creating incredible images every time.
We love capturing moments of each wedding we photograph. Photographers in Spokane are in a unique place and location to get mountains and lakes but also fields and urban environments.
Weddings on coeur d’Alene Lake are beautiful and amazing. They aren’t something that can re-produced, and give you a unique photograph that is hard to get anywhere else in the world.
Looyenga Photography is a studio based in the CDA Idaho and Spokane Washington market but loves to travel all over the world to take incredible photographs.
Create beautiful photographs in any environment, sunset photos to mid-day light, we love to create something that will be remembered forever, and being a photographer in the cda area, that makes things a little easier.
We love to photograph weddings, but we also love capturing those moments after the wedding, when you start your family, and they grow up to be a senior, and eventually get married themselves.
We take a lot of wedding photos, but we also love taking senior photos. You may not see that on our home page, but that doesn’t mean we don’t do a killer job at it.
Engagements make your wedding day better. Engagement photos can change the way you feel when in front of a camera, they make you more comfortable, they make it easier to understand your photographer. Getting your engagement photos before your wedding is a huge deal.
Engagement photos don’t have a time stamp on them, they aren’t obviously taken on your wedding day, and thus, they can be used more often after your wedding day.
Photography has the opportunity to be timeless. It has that chance to capture something special to you and to your loved ones. Photography is also something that can be done extremely well, but also very poorly. As photographers, whether that’s wedding photographers or family photographers, it’s our job to make sure that it’s done extremely well - that it’s something you’ll not just love now, but forever. Because of this we put so much thought into how we take your picture, how we approach each moment, how we create and capture those memories. We do so many different types of photography that you may never see, but the ones we think you’ll care about most are here, from the biggest days of your life (like your wedding), to the ones that are small, yet still so very big (family photos). We love what we do and would love to experience it with you.