Mt. Spokane Engagement Photos: Clay & Alyssa

They met in McCall. You see, Clay has a bunch of friends that he's been friends with since high school. Over the years, each one of these friends has ended up finding a significant other - except him. That said, he was still invited on trip, and McCall was one of them. The thing is, Clay's a great Skier, and they were all there on a Ski trip. Enter Alyssa, also invited on the trip, also single.

According Clay, his friends will deny to this day that they didn't try to set them up. They just happened to invite them to an overnight ski trip where him and Alyssa were the only two single people in the entire group. The thing is, Alyssa didn't think Clay was single, she thought he had a girlfriend (through some miscommunications) so as they got to know each other the first day, she would think "wow, he's a showoff" (because he's THAT good at skiing) but she would also think "his girlfriend is really lucky".

Engaged couple kisses

Clay, for his part didn't take long to realize how great Alyssa was, and would begin to flirt with her right away (which Alyssa, thinking he had a girlfriend, did not think was all that great of him). Alyssa was everything he had wanted in a girl, and really they hit it off really quickly. It was only the second day when Clay would realize that Alyssa thought he had a girlfriend, and he would clear that up real quick.

Bride looks into camera while groom kisses her head

It was since that moment that they have been together, including some cleaver questioning by Alyssa that went something like this "So when you're around others, how do you refer to me?" - in other words "what are we?". These two laugh together, smile together, and fit together so well. It's no surprise to me that they hit it off as fast as they did. In the end, it was their trip to Hawaii (when one of those friends were getting married) that they realized it wasn't just a fun thing, but rather they loved each other. Now, that love is turning into a lifetime commitment, and I'm all for it. I'm so excited to be there for their wedding, not just because weddings are awesome, but because Clay and Alyssa are awesome. In the meantime, here are some engagement photos, I hope you love them as much as I enjoyed taking them!