Personal: Hiking in the Mountains of North Idaho at Sunrise
Most people don’t do sunrise hikes - or have ever done them. I’m telling you, you’re missing out. While I absolutely love sunset, and I love being at weddings, and getting to know people, and capturing the emotions of people in some of the best parts of their lives, I also love this. Nature. The warm glow of the sun just before it crests the horizon. There are moments up in the mountains that can feel surreal, and you can spend the whole time just looking out going “wow”. It’s not really something that can be put into words, just as emotion always seems to be lacking a word that truly fits it.
This is one of the first photos I took when reaching the top. You can see the orange glow I was referring to, and one of my favorite parts of a sunrise hike.
With this particular hike, as we went up the slope toward the top, I distinctly remember cresting the mountain and seeing the view beyond and exclaiming “woah!” to my friend Joel. It was truly something to take the breath away. It made out sleep deprived brains and bodies forget their fatigue, and take us to a different place. It was incredible, and something that I am continually reminded of when in nature, that is Psalm 19:1 “The Heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship”.
We were able to bust out one of my favorite hammocks when we were up there, the Haven XL hammock, which lays super flat and is so comfortable. It also made for an easy setup. Not to mention an awesome spot to take in the views (when we weren’t climbing all over looking for cool locations.