Spokane Wedding Photographers: Peter & Calli's The Ridge at Greenbluff Wedding
I still remember meeting Peter and Calli for the first time - it was in the winter during a blizzard. It had maybe snowed 12 inches so far, and it was working really hard on getting to that 13th inch as fast as possible. Being that Peter and Calli were from out of town, moving the day was not really something we could do, plus they really wanted snow. Well snow they got, and we had an incredible memorable engagement shoot.
Fast forward to their wedding and It was so awesome to see them again. To know a bit more about them, and know how game they were for basically anything. These two are kind, thoughtful, and quick to laugh - even when speeding tickets are involved. In the end, we had an incredible wedding at The Ridge at Greenbluff - just outside of Spokane, and i’m so excited to be able to share some of these photos with you!