Idaho Farm Engagement: Kevin & Kalsey's Engagement Photos

They met in grad school. It wasn't like the movies, where Kalsey walked into class and the only empty seat was next to this 6'3" man. No, Kalsey sat with her 5 other girlfriends, and Kevin was - somewhere.

Kevin told me the first time he noticed Kalsey, she was turning in a paper and he thought "dang!, look at her!" or something along those lines. Kalsey didn't notice him at all - until he wore his camo hat. What is funny is that Kevin grew up in the suberbs, he's not really a hunter (although, he's tried a few times) but it was the camo, the DESIRE to be outside, to do those things, that initially caught Kalsey's eye. "He was the only one in the class" that wore camo.

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As the semester went on, they didn't start to talk in class, nor did they end up sitting next to each other (yeah, not how you thought this was going to go, hu?). Instead, one day Kevin messaged Kalsey on facebook (after some liquid courage helped move him along) and started up a conversation.

Kalsey's reaction to a facebook message out of nowhere? "Finally".

So they started talking, and maybe after a week of facebook messenger, Kevin got Kalsey's phone number. They would text all the time (he messaged her right before christmas break, so they weren't even around each other at first). The hard part was when school started back up. Kalsey sat with the same 5 girlfriends, and Kevin found his regular spot, and on the surface, you wouldn't' even know they were talking or were friends. But really they were talking all the time, and becoming closer and closer. It would be a class retreat that would bring them together (officially) in the end, and now, some 5 years later they are getting married! I'm excited to be there on their wedding day. What an awesome couple.