Portland Engagement Photos: Travis & Jenna's Engagement

Travis and Jenna met when Jenna was new to the area. They worked in the same place (different departments though) but that's actually not how they met. Rather, one of Jenna's friends was also friends with Travis. So when him and Travis were meeting up for some beers, he invited Jenna along, so she could meet some more people and get more comfortable in the area.

So when Jenna walked into the pub, they saw each other. Travis was immediately interested, and he focused on keeping Jenna interested - or at least in great conversation. The thing Travis didn't know is that Jenna had just said she was done with guys - she wasn't looking to date. She wanted to get to know people in the area, and dating isn't a good way to do that. But he was cute, and he was also so engaging. So they talked.

They would see each other again a little later when more friends got together. At the end of that time, Travis walked right up to Jenna and said "we're going to hang out". Now, Jenna told me she loved the boldness in it. I asked Travis what his motivations were, and he said he "just wanted to show her more of the town, help her see some cool things" - of course, he wasn't interested at all. And the fact he chose the "Tech Crawl" as their first thing to do (which just so happened to have a location at the top of one of the city's sky scrapers - very romantic) had nothing to do with the fact he was spending time with a beautiful, engaging, and definitely single woman.

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Jenna would insist (remember, she wasn't dating?) that it wasn't a date, and she'd pay for herself through the whole thing. This happened the next time they spent time together too - not a date. But only a week later, they would make it official.

Over the course of the years they've had incredible dates, and bad ones (such as a rain filled ski trip the day of the super bowl), but one thing has become more and more clear - these two belong together. I had so much fun talking with them and getting to know more of their story. Travis has been a casual friend of mine for a little over 20 years, and being able to see these two together was something I highly enjoyed. I can't wait for their wedding!