Spokane Wedding Photographer: Peter & Calli’s Winter Storm Engagement

So often during engagement shoots we get to talking and I get to hear how a couple met. This isn't uncommon - look at almost any other engagement blog. This, however, isn't what always happens. In this case, with the temperature outside being 11 degrees and the snow coming down in droves, the topic of how Peter and Calli met never came up. It was mostly "here's your coat back" and "brush the snow off your head" and "oh my gosh this is insane!" type talk. For two people who drove up here from Houston, they handled the temperature and weather so well, and were game for anything. Engagement shoots in the snow like this are simultaneously beautiful and absolutely hard to do, as being comfortable, looking happy, and enjoying what you're doing (or at least looking like it) is extremely hard. Needless to say, I had an awesome time with these two, and while I can't share their story, we certainly have an experience we can share together.