Cathy and Kelly Hughes Get Married!
I have known Cathy for several years. She is someone who has always been so kind, thoughtful, and has a beautiful smile. I’ve had the privilege of knowing her daughter, and watching her grow up and become a mom. My incredible wife (Crystal) counts her as one of her closest friends, and comes home with stories and plans that she has with her. So when this friend of ours met Kelly Hughes (of the Kelly Hughes Band) and they started dating, I was excited. In both cases, these are two people who have gone through much in life, and to see them be happy, smiling, and enjoying each other was a huge blessing. On top of all that, when they asked me to photograph their wedding, a wedding that ended up being a wet, dark, but absolutely beautiful wedding I was so very excited to be involved. This wedding had it all, from beautiful people, great moments, lots of smiles, and some excellent company. I’m excited to share more from this one.