Mt Spokane Engagement: Chris & Kelsey

I meet a lot of couples. I hear a lot of stories. But Chris and Kelsey are one of the very, very few that would classify as love at first sight. One of the amazing things is they weren't looking for it. Kelsey was in town for a couple months as she was working over seas, and Chris was out doing his own thing. The day was Valentines day, and neither of them were with someone. Chris went to a concert, and Kelsey found herself being stood up by some unknown jerk. 

Now Chris, after his concert, met up with his friends who were singing Karaoke at a bar - the same bar Kelsey was as at. Kelsey was invited to join them - multiple times - and when she finally got up to go over there, there was this new guy. This handsome, kind, new guy named Chris. Kelsey told me that when she first saw him in the bar she thought "ah sh*t" because she knew she was going to marry him. Yeah. The first day. 

She would tell her parents about Chris, and her thoughts, only one night later. Now Chris got her number, and they also began to talk. Things just flowed for them. It was only the next day that he would call her (yeah, he didn't wait the couple days everyone says you're "supposed" to wait) and they would talk for 5 hours on the phone. It was one of those things where they just came together, where things just fit. 

Now these two should be married already, but unfortunately their date had to be moved - 4 times. But now we have a date, we have an open city, and we are finally getting to make this happen! I'm so pumped that I got to be there and get to know these two, capture their new family, and get to know them just a little bit more. August can't come fast enough.