Posts tagged Branding
Working with Brands

It is no mystery that I love hiking and being in the outdoors. It’s one of my favorite ways to spend time with my friends and my family. There’s something about being in the outdoors that’s relaxing, adventurous and so so fun. Recently i’ve been working with various brands while on these trips to take incredible photos of their gear in amazing places. I wanted to show off some of what i’ve been doing with them. Being that I live in the Pacific Northwest, I am often in the position to be in some incredible places, and I have the ability and the knowledge to take excellent photos of those moments. What a privilege it’s been working with these incredible companies and products.

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Malinda's Branding Shoot

I had the huge privilege of photographing Malinda’s wedding a couple of years ago when she married Michael. It was a ton of fun, it was beautiful, and I had the chance to meet some pretty incredible people (Shout out to her brother and sister in law Russell and Allison!) So being able to get some great photos of Malinda for her job (she’s one of the best saprano’s in the world… if I remember what she told me correctly).. So excited to share these, and I hope you love them!

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