Posts in Featured
How to Get Clients as a New Photographer

Photography is an interesting thing, it’s a super saturated market (everyone is a photographer) but at the same time there is a vast difference between the people at the top of the market and the people at the bottom. There are a lot of factors that separate them; style, knowledge, desire, jobs and talent. Everyone’s journey through that market, and where people stop has so many factors you can’t point to one. I have friends that loved photography and just lost interest, or got burnt out, or didn’t like the “business” side of things. A successful photographer often doesn’t just have one factor (such as a desire to take photos) but has multiple factors that contribute to their success,

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Top 5 Wedding Venues in Spokane and Coeur d'Alene

My name is Brent Looyenga and I'm a Spokane wedding photographer. I've been photographing weddings for almost 15 years now. In the course of time, I've found some incredible wedding venues, and also some horrible ones. Some private property locations have been pretty awesome when done right, and others have left me, a Spokane wedding photographer, also the planner of the whole day. There are so many things that will contribute to a venue being one of my top 5 wedding venues in Spokane and Coeur d'Alene, but we should talk about a few.

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