Smokey Blackwell Hotel Wedding: Casey & Christina

There is something amazing about Casey & Christina. They are both so kind - as i’m sure you know, but that’s not what I mean. For the time I spent with them, Casey is such a well thought, kind human being. He truly cares for Christina and he is actually able to show it. I have to think no further than the letter the wrote her, which she read right before the ceremony - or his vows, or the way he looks at her - It’s just so obvious. Christina, for her part has one of the best smiles i’ve ever seen. She is so emotive, fun, and yes - kind. When going through and trying to select the photos for this blog, I had SO many great photos of Christina and her amazing smile, and it was so hard for me to figure out which one I wanted to feature here.

Their wedding, taking place on one of the smokiest days we’ve ever had in our area, and in the middle of a pandemic was certainly not what these two had initially planned, but it was beautiful. Their was dancing and laughter, old fashioned’s and great food. Sharing these photos of their wedding day is an honor for me, and I hope you love them.