Posts tagged Fernan Lake
Engagement Photographer: Brayden & Aeva's Fernan Lake Engagement

Brayden and Aeva have such a cool story. They are also some amazing people. There is an energy around them, with so many great smiles, easy laughs, and a natural way of just being themselves. I don't know when that started but I wouldn't be surprised to hear it happened when they were in high school - when they first met. You see, Brayden transferred to Aeva's school (Gonzaga Prep) when he was going to be a senior. Turns out, Aeva and him both lived in Coeur d'Alene at the time and were some of the only people driving from CDA for school. So it didn't take long before these two started to carpool together to school. They would become friends - best friends. In the winter they found out that both of them loved to Ski, and would head up to Schweitzer with their group of friends - they of course would ride together (coming from Coeur d'Alene as they were).

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