Spokane Wedding Photographer: John & Renae's Beacon Hill Wedding
So when I was in 7th and 8th grade I was part of a pretty amazing class. I didn’t go to a public school, rather, I was part of a small Christian school in Post Falls, Idaho. The class size was roughly 25 students - super small by public school standards, but a great size for making friends. Not so small you had no options, but small enough that you can know everyone. I loved it. I loved the people, I loved the teachers, I loved my friends.
Among these friends were two amazing people, John and Renae. Now I was friends with Renae, but John was one of my best friends. And over the course of the last 20 or so years, we have stayed that way. We have talked, snowboarded, hung out, saved the world, and lived life together.
So when John told me he was going to marry his old girlfriend from high school (Renae) I was pumped. Him and Renae had been in touch for years, and things never seemed to align - until they did. And now here I was, 20 years later taking pictures of some of my best friends.
And yes, I loved taking pictures. As the photographer, i’m with the groom pretty much more than any other person in the wedding. I loved seeing everything, but also making sure that John and Renae would have some incredible memories. They are two of my dearest friends, so presenting you these images is something I couldn’t be more proud to do.